Articles written by will weissert

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 By WILL WEISSERT    Regional    May 29, 2022

O'Rourke bets shooting will shake up Texas governor's race

WASHINGTON (AP) — Still mourning a Texas mass shooting, Democrat Beto O'Rourke gave his long-shot campaign a jolt by imploring a national audience that it was finally time for real action to curb the proliferation of high-powered guns in his home s...


Biden roasts Trump, GOP, himself at correspondents' dinner

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House press corps' annual gala returned Saturday night along with the roasting of Washington, the journalists who cover it and the man at the helm: President Joe Biden. The White House Correspondents' Association d...


Biden waiving ethanol rule in bid to lower gasoline prices

MENLO, Iowa (AP) — With inflation at a 40-year high, President Joe Biden journeyed to corn-rich Iowa on Tuesday to announce a modest step aimed at trimming gasoline prices by about a dime a gallon at a limited number of stations by waiving rules t...


Trump returns to Georgia confronting test of his grip on GOP

COMMERCE, Ga. (AP) — In Donald Trump's push to fundamentally reshape the Republican Party, few places are a higher priority than Georgia. The former president has issued highly-coveted endorsements in races ranging from governor to state insurance c...


AP FACT CHECK: Republicans twist Jackson's judicial record

WASHINGTON (AP) — In the court of public opinion — like the Supreme Court nomination hearings coming this week — politicians ask questions of witnesses to score points for their side. In the court of law, judges ask questions to get answers. That...


Texas primary tests GOP's rightward shift as midterms begin

USTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas kicked off the nation's long and likely bruising midterm season Tuesday with primaries that are testing the state's new, tougher voting laws while giving Republicans a chance to validate GOP leaders who have pushed a...


Murphy ekes out win in NJ, GOP's Youngkin upsets in Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey narrowly won reelection in his reliably blue state while a Republican political newcomer delivered a stunning upset in the Virginia governor's race, sending a warning Wednesday to Democra...


Texas GOP bets on hard right turn amid changing demographics

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Republicans in America's largest conservative state for years racked up victories under the slogan "Keep Texas Red," a pledge to quash a coming blue wave that Democrats argued was inevitable given shifting demographics. Now, t...


DeSantis feuds with Biden White House as COVID cases rise

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — It didn't take much for the White House to set Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis off. As coronavirus cases rise across the Sun Belt, President Joe Biden asked GOP governors to "get out of the way" of efforts to contain the virus. D...


Pro-Sanders group rebranding into 'pragmatic progressives'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Stinging from the disappointment of Bernie Sanders' loss in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, supporters pumped millions into the powerful advocacy group Our Revolution to keep the progressive fight alive and prepare for a...


AP-NORC poll: Border woes dent Biden approval on immigration

WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans disapprove than approve of how President Joe Biden is handling waves of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, and approval of his efforts on larger immigration policy falls short of o...


Asian Americans seek greater political power after shootings

WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaking on the floor of the Georgia state Senate last week, Michelle Au implored her colleagues to "stand up" to the hatred aimed at Asian Americans that's increased during the pandemic. A day later, a gunman shook the Atlanta area...


From vote to virus, misinformation campaign targets Latinos

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tom Perez was a guest on a Spanish-language talk radio show in Las Vegas last year when a caller launched into baseless complaints about both parties, urging Latino listeners to not cast votes at all. Perez, then chairman of the D...


Activists fear Biden's commitment to higher minimum wage

WASHINGTON (AP) — Union activist Terrence Wise recalls being laughed at when he began pushing for a national $15 per hour minimum wage almost a decade ago. Nearly a year into the pandemic, the idea isn't so funny. The coronavirus has renewed focus o...


Pelosi denounces GOP leaders over Georgia lawmaker's posts

WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaker Nancy Pelosi intensified pressure Thursday on House Republican leaders for their handling of a controversial GOP freshman, denouncing them for placing a lawmaker who Pelosi says has “mocked the killing of little chi...


Why Biden's immigration plan may be risky for Democrats

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is confronting the political risk that comes with grand ambition. As one of his first acts, Biden offered a sweeping immigration overhaul last week that would provide a path to U.S. citizenship for the e...


Democratic wins could strengthen Biden's legislative push

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden's victory in November was tempered by concerns that he would face Republican opposition in the Senate that could stymie him at every turn. Those worries eased this past week when Democrats swept two Senate...


Pressure mounts on Biden to make diverse picks for top posts

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure to expand the racial and ideological diversity in his choices for Cabinet and other top jobs. A month and a half before he takes office, he's drawing rebukes from activists w...


Unveiling economic team, Biden pledges, 'Help is on the way'

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday introduced top advisers he says will help his administration rebuild an economy hammered by the coronavirus pandemic, declaring, "I know times are tough, but I want you to know that help i...


Biden seeks to move quickly and build out his administration

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden signaled on Sunday he plans to move quickly to build out his government, focusing first on the raging pandemic that will likely dominate the early days of his administration. Biden named a former s...


Pandemic politics: Biden shuns 'false promises' of fast fix

BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. (AP) — Focused firmly on COVID-19, Joe Biden vowed Wednesday not to campaign in the election homestretch "on the false promises of being able to end this pandemic by flipping a switch." President Donald Trump, under attack for hi...


Biden vows his unity can save country; Trump hits Midwest

WARM SPRINGS, Ga. (AP) — Joe Biden traveled Tuesday to the hot springs town where Franklin Delano Roosevelt coped with polio to declare the U.S. is not too politically diseased to overcome its health and economic crises, pledging to be the u...


Biden faces challenges in quickly combating the pandemic

WILIMINGTON, Del. (AP) — If Joe Biden wins next week's election, he says he'll immediately call Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert. He'll work with governors and local officials to institute a nationwide mask-wearing m...


In debate countdown, Trump holds rally, Biden does prep

ERIE, Pa. (AP) — President Donald Trump pushed into arguably the most important state on the electoral map on Tuesday, opting for a rally in Pennsylvania instead of formal debate practice two days ahead of the final presidential debate that may be h...


Trump, Biden go at it - from a distance - in town halls

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden squared off, in a way, in dueling televised town halls that showcased striking differences in temperament, views on racial justice and approaches to a pandemic that has reshaped the n...


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