Barber County real estate

Book 143 page 454: Kim Kauffman and Rand Kauffman, Mark Price convey unto David L. Wilcox, grantee: a tract of land located in the north half of section 36, township 33 south, range 11 west of 6th PM, Barber County, Kansas. Warranty deed.

Book 143 page 456: Patricia Jo Strong and Jerald W. Strong, wife and husband, grantors, convey unto Ryan W. Landwehr and Jamie M. Coultas, grantee: commencing at a point 167 ½ feet south of the northeast corner of lot 20 on Stolp Avenue west in Stolp’s Addtion to the City of Medicine Lodge, thence west 126 feet, thence south 80 feet, thence east 126 feet, the...


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