I just received a text from one of my favorite young men, Corey Shirey. Not only is he a fellow minister, but he also took several of my class offerings while I was with NWOSU (Ride Rangers Ride).
Evidently, the news of my relocation had not filtered down to the Woodwardians, and Corey was checking in to make sure I “didn’t get fired.” No, the elders and members of the College Hill Family treated us quite well, from beginning to end.
We wanted to be closer to my Dad (Mom just passed away) and our grandkids. Imagine that. So, we have taken up residence in Shamrock, Texas (go Fighting Irish!) where I will be preaching for the local Church of Christ and Becky will be teaching junior high math. Marione was kind enough to allow me to continue writing my column for a little while longer. I hate leaving a series before it’s through.
While we’re on the subject, the Hebrew writer has some good news and some bad news. Odd thing is, it’s the very same news. In chapter 10, verse 19, we are assured that there is “no more sacrifice for sin.” In this context, it is actually VERY good news. The author is reminding the reader that Jesus was/is the perfect sacrifice – that one-of-a-kind, once-and-for-all-time sacrifice – and no other bloodletting was needed. In fact, the writer has spent the better part of both chapters nine and ten making his case for the all-sufficient nature of Jesus’ sacrifice.
However, lest we become to lax in celebration of said sacrifice, the Hebrew writer reminds us of the slippery slope of neglecting such a great salvation. After warning his readers of the hazards of [forsaking their gathering together and mutual encouragement], the author uses the same phrase to describe an AWFUL situation. “If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins remains (Hebrews 10:26 NIV).” In other words, if the blood of Jesus is not enough to change your life, what else is there to offer?
“... only a fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire that will consume the enemies of God” (Hebrews 10:27 NIV).
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