Woods County Excise Board approves school budgets

Woods County Excise Board members provide a second look at financial actions of the county as well as school budgets. Wednesday morning, excise board members Joe Shirley and Bob Seivert met along with County Clerk Shelley Reed. Board member Chris Olson was absent.

After approving minutes of the Aug. 21 meeting, the board members approved the following monthly appropriations: District #1 $137,029.70; District #2 $137,029.71; District #3 $137,882.57; CBRI D#1 $13,635.60; CBRI D#2 $13,635.61; CBRI D#3 $13,635.60; Enhanced 911 $67,922.45; Assessor’s Fee $168.00; County Clerk’s Lien Fee $3,736.49;...


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