Light the World Giving Machines are coming to Oklahoma City

These big, red vending machines have been the highlight of the Christmas season in such places as New York City's Time Square since 2017. They have been featured on many television news programs and touted by various celebrities on social media.

In Oklahoma for the first time, the machines will be found Dec. 18 – Jan. 4 at the Scissortail Park Love's Stage area at 300 SW 7th St. and will be available 24 hours a day. Various groups will be providing entertainment at the location throughout the evenings. Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt will be on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony on Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

The vending machines allow people to donate to charitable organizations around the world. Instead of buying a candy bar or snack as many vending machines provide, users designate the item and charities they want their donation to fund. They then watch a symbolic representation of their donation drop into a bin at the bottom of the machine. The machines accept only credit or debit cards and mobile payments.

Since 2017, the machines have raised over $32 million and have been visited by more than 2 million people worldwide. This year, people in 107 cities in 13 countries will have the opportunity to donate through the Giving Machines. The machines are sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which covers all the operational costs so that 100% of the donation can go directly to the selected charities.

The Giving Machines in Oklahoma City will feature items that will benefit Oklahoma charities as well as global charities. Oklahoma charities include The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, Infant Crisis Services, NewView Oklahoma, Pivot and ReMerge. Some of the items the Giving Machine includes for these charities are GED materials to further education, underwear and sock for teens, an eye exam for the visually impaired, toddler food and baby wipes.

Oklahomans who cannot visit the machines in person can still donate online at

The Light the World campaign is an annual event sponsored by the church. It encourages people to be someone's angel and bring light and hope to those in need through simple acts of service each day in December. For suggestions of ways to serve or to try the Kindness Randomizer to generate a unique service idea, visit


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