Articles written by kevin freking

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Trump to host state dinner for Australian prime minister

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump are hosting an official visit and state dinner in September for the prime minister of Australia, a conservative, who like Trump, defied public opinion polls and won his first f...


Labor nominee Scalia has long record of opposing regulations

WASHINGTON (AP) — Eugene Scalia has a decades-long record of challenging Labor Department and other federal regulations, as well as a famous last name. The combination proved irresistible to President Donald Trump. Trump selected Scalia Thursday to b...


Trump signs order to make American-made goods more American

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday requiring federal agencies to purchase products using more American components. The order strengthens the standards that federal agencies must follow under the Buy American A...


Trump applauds far-right social media provocateurs

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump used a White House conference Thursday to applaud far-right social media provocateurs even as he conceded that some of them are extreme in their views. Trump, who has weaponized social media to eviscerate o...


Trump vows July 4 'show of a lifetime' as protesters gather

WASHINGTON (AP) — A reality TV host at heart, President Donald Trump is promising the "show of a lifetime" for the hundreds of thousands of revelers who flock to the National Mall every year on the Fourth of July. The tanks are in place for the d...


Trump eases up, makes nice with May before she steps down

LONDON (AP) — Making nice at the end, President Donald Trump eased up Tuesday on his frequent criticisms of outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May over her handling of the tortured Brexit deal, declaring that history will remember her fondly i...


3 minutes: Trump meeting with Democrats goes bust in a flash

WASHINGTON (AP) — The curtains in the Cabinet Room were drawn. The Democrats were waiting. And President Donald Trump came and went in three minutes, never stopping to sit down or shake hands. Trump's angry walkout on Wednesday left behind a s...


Escalation in Trump tariffs looms over US-China trade talks

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. and Chinese negotiators met Thursday just hours before the United States was set to raise tariffs on Chinese imports in a dramatic escalation of tensions between the world's two biggest economies. China has threatened to r...


US-China talks break up after US raises tariffs

WASHINGTON (AP) — Trade talks between the U.S. and China broke up Friday with no agreement, hours after President Donald Trump more than doubled tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports. Trump asserted on Twitter that there was "no need to rush" t...


Dems say Trump agrees to $2 trillion infrastructure tab

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders agreed Tuesday to work together on a $2 trillion infrastructure package — but put off for later the difficult question of how to pay for it. Senate Minority Leader Chu...


Trump meets with Twitter CEO amid bias complaints

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said he had a "great meeting" Tuesday with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, hours after bashing the company and accusing it of not treating him well because he's a Republican. Trump uses Twitter extensively to get h...


Trump's order would make it harder to block pipelines

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will announce an executive order during a trip to Texas on Wednesday that could make it harder for states to scuttle pipelines and other energy projects based on concerns about their impact on water quality. T...


GOP lawmakers set goal of summer vote for trade deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and House Republicans moved to build congressional support for the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade accord on Tuesday with lawmakers selling the plan as offering big benefits for American workers. But prospects r...


Proposed order on campus speech follows wave of complaints

Proposed order on campus speech follows wave of complaints WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's proposed executive order to protect free speech on college campuses follows a growing chorus of complaints from conservatives that the nation's u...


Trump delivers a slashing speech that rouses the right

OXON HILL, Md. (AP) — In a slashing speech packed with braggadocio and grievance, President Donald Trump denounced Democrats as the party of "the socialist nightmare," relitigated his crowd sizes back to the inauguration and took on "sick," '...


US and China extend trade talks; Xi-Trump meeting may follow

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. and Chinese negotiators agreed Friday to extend high-level trade talks through the weekend, and President Donald Trump said he hoped to meet next month at his Florida resort with President Xi Jinping to try to finalize an a...


Climate threat doubter is leading effort to advise Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is exploring the idea of forming a special committee to look at climate change and security risks, with the effort being coordinated by a 79-year-old physicist who rejects mainstream climate science. A "...


New GOP rivalry? Romney bolts into Washington, blasts Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee and incoming Utah senator, has quickly set himself apart from other Republicans in the new Congress with a blistering attack on President Donald Trump's leadership and character. R...


Departure of Trump's GOP critics in Senate leaves a void

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's most prominent GOP critics on Capitol Hill are days away from completing their Senate careers, raising the question of who — if anyone — will take their place as willing to publicly criticize a presi...


House vote sends major criminal justice overhaul to Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House passed a wide-ranging criminal justice bill on Thursday that will reduce some of the harshest sentences for federal drug offenders and boost prison rehabilitation programs, handing President Donald Trump a legislative v...


Senate overwhelmingly passes criminal justice overhaul

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice bill Tuesday that addresses concerns that the nation's war on drugs had led to the imprisonment of too many Americans for non-violent crimes without adequately preparing them for t...


Facing pressure, McConnell agrees to criminal justice vote

WASHINGTON (AP) — Under pressure from President Donald Trump and many of his Republican colleagues, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he will bring legislation to the floor to overhaul the nation's federal sentencing laws. M...


Trump prods McConnell on sentencing bill: 'Go for it Mitch!'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's reluctance to hold a vote on a popular criminal justice bill has angered top Republican senators and created an unusual rift with a longtime GOP ally, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa. And on F...


Pelosi meets with freshmen Democrats key to speakership bid

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nancy Pelosi met privately Friday with several newly-elected Democrats who could be crucial to her bid for House speaker, as she works to tamp down discord and fend off a challenge from a small but persistent group determined to s...


Congress takes aim at shrinking seats, legroom on airplanes

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration would be required to set new minimum requirements for seats on airplanes under legislation to be considered in the House this week, possibly giving passengers a break from ever-shrinking l...


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