Articles written by alexandra jaffe

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  • Harris to be sworn in by Justice Sotomayor at inauguration

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Jan 17, 2021

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Wednesday, a history-making event in which the first Black, South Asian and female vice president will take her oath of office from the first Latina justice. Harris chose Sotomayor for the task, according to a person familiar with the decision. She'll also use two Bibles for the swearing-in, one of which belonged to Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court justice. ABC News first reported the latest details of Harris' i...

  • Pence calls VP-elect Kamala Harris to offer congratulations


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence has called his soon-to-be successor Kamala Harris to offer his congratulations, according to two people familiar with the conversation. It's the first known contact between the elected members of the outgoing and incoming administrations. President Donald Trump has not reached out to President-elect Joe Biden or invited him to the White House, and has instead spent the weeks since he lost the Nov. 3 election holed up at the White House, trying to undermine the legitimacy of Biden's win with b...

  • Law enforcement: We'll be ready for Joe Biden's inauguration


    WASHINGTON (AP) — This time, they'll be ready. The inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden will be held on the same risers in the same spot at the U.S. Capitol where a violent, pro-Trump mob descended last week. But the two events aren't even comparable from a security standpoint, said Michael Plati, U.S. Secret Service special agent in charge, who is leading the inauguration security. The inauguration is designated as a "national special security event," which clears the way for communication, funding and preparation between multiple a...

  • What Biden's Cabinet picks say about how he plans to govern

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Jan 10, 2021

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden promised that his presidency would mean a return to normalcy. His Cabinet picks help demonstrate how he plans to deliver. The president-elect announced his final nominees this past week, completing a diverse team of two dozen people. He noted Friday that this will be the “first Cabinet ever” to reach gender parity and include a majority of people of color, notable given earlier concerns that he was leaning largely on white men. Some nominees have decades of experience in their respective agencies. Many held promi...

  • Biden: Reversing Trump border policies will take months

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Dec 23, 2020

    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden says it will take months to roll back some of President Donald Trump's actions on immigration, tempering expectations he generated during his campaign and one that may rile advocates pushing for speedy action on the issue. His Tuesday comments echo those made by two of his top foreign policy advisers in an interview with Spanish wire service EFE on Monday hitting the brakes on rolling back Trump's restrictive asylum policies. Susan Rice, Biden's incoming domestic policy adviser, and Jake S...

  • Biden adds Obama administration veterans to top staff

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Nov 20, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden is adding four Obama-Biden administration veterans to his top ranks as he continues to build out his White House team. Cathy Russell, who was Jill Biden's chief of staff during the Obama administration, will serve as director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, evaluating applicants for administration roles. Louisa Terrell, who served as a legislative adviser to the president in the Obama administration and worked as deputy chief of staff for Biden in the Senate, will be director of t...

  • Biden seeks to move quickly and build out his administration


    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden signaled on Sunday he plans to move quickly to build out his government, focusing first on the raging pandemic that will likely dominate the early days of his administration. Biden named a former surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, and a former Food and Drug Administration commissioner, David Kessler, as co-chairs of a coronavirus working group set to get started, with other members expected to be announced Monday. Transition team officials said that also this week Biden will launch his agency r...

  • Biden marks Iowa rise from caucus collapse to fall contender


    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — When Joe Biden was last in Iowa, his presidential campaign was on the verge of collapse and he was soundly trounced in the caucuses by a former Indiana mayor nearly 40 years his junior. He returns Friday as the Democratic nominee, believing he's just days away from becoming president-elect. Biden's trip reflects the remarkable arc of his third presidential campaign. He entered the race as the most experienced candidate in a crowded primary, but was overshadowed by fresh faces who dazzled Democratic voters and nearly r...

  • Biden vows his unity can save country; Trump hits Midwest


    WARM SPRINGS, Ga. (AP) — Joe Biden traveled Tuesday to the hot springs town where Franklin Delano Roosevelt coped with polio to declare the U.S. is not too politically diseased to overcome its health and economic crises, pledging to be the unifying force who can "restore our soul and save this country." The Democratic presidential nominee offered his closing argument with Election Day just one week away while attempting to go on the political offensive in Georgia, which hasn't backed a Democrat for the White House since 1992. He promised to b...

  • Biden faces challenges in quickly combating the pandemic


    WILIMINGTON, Del. (AP) — If Joe Biden wins next week's election, he says he'll immediately call Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert. He'll work with governors and local officials to institute a nationwide mask-wearing mandate and ask Congress to pass a sweeping spending bill by the end of January to address the coronavirus and its fallout. That alone would mark a significant shift from President Donald Trump, who has feuded with scientists, struggled to broker a new stimulus deal and reacted to the recent surge in U...

  • Biden's low-key campaign style worries some Democrats


    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The final stretch of a presidential campaign is typically a nonstop mix of travel, caffeine and adrenaline. But as the worst pandemic in a century bears down on the United States, Joe Biden is taking a lower key approach. Since his Aug. 11 selection of California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, Biden has had 22 days where he either didn't make public appearances, held only virtual fundraisers or ventured from his Delaware home solely for church, according to an Associated Press analysis of his schedules. He made...

  • Biden to focus on health care in Supreme Court debate

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Sep 20, 2020

    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden is expected to use the sudden Supreme Court vacancy to reinforce his argument that the upcoming election should be a referendum on President Donald Trump's handling of health care and the coronavirus. The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg jolted the presidential campaign just six weeks before the election and as several states are already voting. Trump has seized on the opportunity to nominate a new justice to motivate his most loyal voters. Biden hopes to keep the focus on health care, which has proven t...

  • Bloomberg to spend at least $100M to help Biden in Florida


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is committing at least $100 million to help Joe Biden's presidential campaign in the crucial battleground state of Florida. Bloomberg's late-stage infusion of cash reflects Democrats' concerns about the tight race in a state that is a priority for President Donald Trump. A victory for Biden in Florida, the largest of the perennial battleground states, would significantly complicate Trump's path to reaching the 270 Electoral College votes needed to secure a second term. R...

  • Trump and Biden run vastly different pandemic campaigns


    WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina caps outdoor gatherings at 50 people to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, but don't tell that to President Donald Trump. He basked in a largely maskless crowd of several thousand supporters during a campaign rally in this critical state. "As far as the eye can see," Trump said, reveling at the sight of people flouting public health guidelines at Tuesday's event. "I really believe that these crowds are bigger than they were four years ago." A day earlier in Pennsylvania, Trump's Democratic c...

  • Trump and Biden run vastly different pandemic campaigns


    WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina caps outdoor gatherings at 50 people to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, but don't tell that to President Donald Trump. He basked in a largely maskless crowd of several thousand supporters during a campaign rally in this critical state. "As far as the eye can see," Trump said, reveling at the sight of people flouting public health guidelines at Tuesday's event. "I really believe that these crowds are bigger than they were four years ago." A day earlier in Pennsylvania, Trump's Democratic c...

  • Harris meets Blakes, Trump goes on attack in Labor Day blitz


    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris met the family of a Wisconsin man shot by police last month to kick off her Labor Day visit to a critical swing state, while President Donald Trump assailed the Democratic ticket and tried to put the halting economic recovery under the best light. Harris gathered with Jacob Blake's father, two sisters and members of his legal team at the airport in Milwaukee while Blake's mother and attorney Ben Crump joined by phone. Blake joined the conversation by phone from his hospital b...

  • Biden slams Trump over alleged comments mocking US war dead


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden declared President Donald Trump "unfit" for the presidency on Friday, delivering an impassioned reaction to a report that Trump — who never served in uniform — allegedly mocked American war dead. The president and his allies have dismissed the report in The Atlantic as false. The allegations, sourced anonymously, describe multiple offensive comments by the president toward fallen and captured U.S. service members, including calling World War I dead at an American military cemet...

  • Biden, Harris lash Trump at debut of historic VP choice


    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden and Kamala Harris pushed past their one-time political rivalry Wednesday to deliver an aggressive attack on the character and performance of President Donald Trump in their historic first appearance as running mates. The physical debut of the Democratic ticket was without parallel in recent political annals. The coronavirus prevented Biden and Harris from appearing before the large, adoring crowd that typically greets a presidential nominee and his or her running mate. Instead, they spoke in a mostly empty h...

  • Joe Biden's search for a running mate enters final stretch

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE|Jul 31, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — As Joe Biden nears the announcement of his vice presidential choice, the top contenders and their advocates are making final appeals. The campaign hasn't finalized a date for naming a running mate, but three people who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans said a public announcement likely wouldn't happen before the week of Aug. 10. That's one week before Democrats will hold their convention to officially nominate Biden as their presidential nominee. Biden said in May that he hoped to name his pick around A...

  • Biden unveils caregiver plan, says Trump 'quit' on country


    NEW CASTLE, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden offered a massive plan on Tuesday to create 3 million jobs and improve care for children and the elderly as he accused President Donald Trump of having "quit" on the country during a deadly pandemic. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee promised to spend more than three quarters of a trillion dollars — $775 billion over 10 years — to increase tax credits for low-income families, bolster care-giving services for veterans and other seniors and provide preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds. "This is ab...

  • Biden unveils $2 trillion climate plan with energy revamp

    Alexandra Jaffe Ellen Knickmeyer and Will Weissert|Jul 15, 2020

    WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden released a $2 trillion plan Tuesday aimed at combating climate change and spurring economic growth in part by overhauling America's energy industry, with a proposal to achieve entirely carbon pollution-free power by 2035. "These are the most critical investments we can make for the long-term health and vitality of both the American economy and the physical health and safety of the American people," Biden said during remarks to reporters near his home in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden acknowledged that the economy...

  • Trump, Biden fight for primacy on social media platforms


    WASHINGTON (AP) — On an average day, President Donald Trump sends about 14 posts to the 28 million Facebook followers of his campaign account. His Democratic rival, Joe Biden, delivers about half that many posts to an audience of just 2 million. The numbers are similarly skewed in other spheres of the social media landscape. On Twitter, Trump's 82.4 million followers dwarf Biden's 6.4 million. The president has spent years cultivating a ragtag digital "army" of meme makers and political influencers who retweet campaign messages hundreds of t...

  • Trump, Biden fight for primacy on social media platforms


    WASHINGTON (AP) — On an average day, President Donald Trump sends about 14 posts to the 28 million Facebook followers of his campaign account. His Democratic rival, Joe Biden, delivers about half that many posts to an audience of just 2 million. The numbers are similarly skewed in other spheres of the social media landscape. On Twitter, Trump's 82.4 million followers dwarf Biden's 6.4 million. The president has spent years cultivating a ragtag digital "army" of meme makers and political influencers who retweet campaign messages hundreds of t...

  • Ex-Bush officials launch super PAC backing Biden over Trump

    Alexandra Jaffe|Jul 1, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials have launched a new super PAC supporting Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the latest in a growing number of Republican groups to come out in support of Biden over President Donald Trump. The group, 43 Alumni for Biden, has recruited at least 200 former White House officials, campaign aides and Cabinet secretaries who worked under Bush to join the push against the Republican incumbent. They're planning to roll out supportive testimonial videos f...

  • Democrats renew health care attacks on GOP as virus builds

    ALEXANDRA JAFFE and ALAN FRAM|Jun 26, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats are intensifying their attacks on President Donald Trump and his Republican allies over health care, hoping that an issue that helped lift the party during the 2018 midterms will prove even more resonant as the White House seeks to repeal the Affordable Care Act during a public health crisis. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told an audience in the swing state of Pennsylvania this week that efforts to undermine the Obama-era health care law were "cruel" and "callous." House Speaker Nancy P...

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