Articles written by holly ramer

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  • Velcro's video implores consumers to say 'hook and loop'

    HOLLY RAMER|Sep 27, 2017

    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Lots of pop songs have hooks. This one has loops, too. Velcro Cos. this week released a music video with a message it hopes will stick as well as its products: "Don't Say Velcro." The video features actors portraying trademark attorneys, joined by a few actual lawyers in the background, pleading with the public to respect the company's brand and refer to similar "scratchy, hairy" products as "hook and loop" fasteners. "We're asking you not to say a name we took 60 plus years to build," the group sings. "But if you keep c...

  • New Hampshire is latest state to sue OxyContin manufacturer

    Holly Ramer|Aug 9, 2017

    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The attorney general's office sued Purdue Pharma on Tuesday, alleging that the drug manufacturer has continued its deceptive marketing of OxyContin in a state that has been called the "ground zero" of the opioid epidemic. In a civil complaint, the state alleges that Purdue Pharma has downplayed the drug's risk of addiction, overstated its effectiveness, claimed it is nearly impossible to abuse and failed to report suspicious prescribers. It's the latest in a string of lawsuits by state, county and local governments a...

  • Trump upset states not fully cooperating with voting panel

    Adam Kealoha Causey and Holly Ramer|Jul 2, 2017

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — President Donald Trump is upset that all states aren't fully cooperating with his voting commission's request for detailed information about every voter in the United States. Some of the most populous ones, including California and New York, are refusing to comply. But even some conservative states that voted for Trump, such as Texas, say they can provide only partial responses based on what is legally allowed under state law. "Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. W...

  • Instead of chasing storms, ice researchers create their own

    Holly Ramer|Jan 26, 2017

    WOODSTOCK, N.H. (AP) — The sparkling ice spread through a small stand of trees in the White Mountain National Forest so precisely, it could have been applied by Elsa, Disney's "Frozen" queen. Within the basketball court-size plot, everything glistened. Outside it, branches were bare. But there's no magic going on at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, just lots of science. Operated by the USDA Forest Service since 1955, the site is now home to a research project to examine the impact of ice storms, the often beautiful but devastating w...

  • Study explores link between college debt, 'boomerang' effect

    Holly Ramer|Jan 8, 2017

    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — While both college debt and the "boomerang" phenomenon are growing, a new study casts doubt on the notion that staggering student loans are driving young adults back to their parents' doorsteps. In the past decade, student debt has doubled, with the average 2015 college graduate owing $30,000. The rate at which young adults "boomerang" also is increasing — recent studies report that between 20 and 50 percent are returning home. Many assume the former causes the latter, but Jason Houle and Cody Warner — assistant socio...

  • Tissue, organ research institute to benefit injured soldiers

    Holly Ramer|Dec 23, 2016

    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The Department of Defense is providing $80 million to establish a bio-research and manufacturing institute in Manchester, New Hampshire, to develop transplant tissues and organs for injured American soldiers and other patients. The five-year award was announced Wednesday by Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte and Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan. All three were strong supporters of locating the institute in Manchester and had urged the Defense Department to support the project. "This is a monument...