Freedom United Methodist Church news

Sunday, Oct. 30, was Reformation Sunday. The order of services was:

Prelude by Joy Ware

Opening Prayer given by Bruce Stansberry

Opening Chorus “Praise Medley” led by Pastor Scott and accompanied by Shay, Wreagen and Jack Wilson

Call to Worship by Bruce Stansberry

Hymn of Praise “Rescue the Perishing”

Affirmation of Faith led by Pastor Scott

Gloria Patri

Offertory by Joy Ware

Prayer Hymn “I Am Thine, O Lord”

Joys and Concerns – Praise for the blessing we receive every day. Thankfulness for Pastor Scott’s father turning 97 years of age on Monday. Please remember those on the prayer list. Please remember our nation in your prayers.

Children’s Time “Zacchaeus Goes Out on a Limb” by Pastor Scott. The congregation sang “Zacchaeus.“

Scripture Reading Luke 19:1-10

Message “Seeking to Bring us JOY”

Hymn of Commitment “Living for Jesus”

Sending Forth

Choral Benediction “Bind Us Together”

Postlude by Joy Ware


Coffee and Devotions will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Sweet Shop on Main Street. Bible Study Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. We are studying “Half Truths” by Adam Hamilton.

Annual Charge Conference is Nov. 6 at 5 p.m. with fellowship time at 4:30 p.m. at Faith United Methodist Church in Woodward.

Next week’s scripture is Luke 5:20-31. Next Sunday is All Saints Sunday. The sermon is “You Are Blessed.” Everyone is welcome to attend Sunday services at 11 a.m. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. Please come join us as we worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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