Northwestern theatre program to present children's production

Members of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University theatre program will present their annual children’s production to the public Saturday, Nov. 19, at 2 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium in Alva. Admission is $1.25.

The play is titled “Fairy Tale Bits and Bytes” and is written by Christopher Gieschen. Kimberly Weast, professor of theatre and chair of the Department of Fine Arts, is the director.

Nearly 1,800 elementary students from surrounding schools will be attending four shows just for them Nov. 17 and 18.

According to Samuel French, Inc., play publishers, the production is about an evil computer virus named Virus who has invaded a disk containing beloved children’s stories, fairy tales and nursery rhymes. The virus causes all of the story characters to become mish-mashed together. Byte and Bit are computer chips who try to set things right and defeat the evil virus before he infects other computers.

Twelve of the 19 Northwestern students serving as the cast and crew in this production are fulfilling class requirements for Weast’s Principles of Acting class.

If the name of this play sounds familiar it’s because Weast directed this play earlier in her career at Northwestern. She has decided to bring back this production to showcase the talents of the students in her class this semester.

“I chose this play because the students in my Principles of Acting class are extremely talented, and I needed a play to give them more opportunities to share their art,” Weast said. “This show is the most fun production we present annually; it’s for all ages, and everyone will love it.”

To learn more about this production or Northwestern’s theatre program, contact Weast at 580-327-8462 or [email protected].


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