Woods County Excise Board approves treasurer's fees

The Woods County Excise Board met Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, and approved the following service charges to be assessed to each school district by the Woods County Treasurer:

• Alva Schools – Budget $20,873,845.48, service fee $6,479

• Waynoka Schools – Budget $9,102,912.92, service fee $2,825

• Freedom Schools – Budget $2,620,631.50, service fee $813

• Northwest Technology Center – Budget $12,513,004.02, service fee $3,883

In other action the excise board approved the monthly appropriations:

• District #1 Highway Cash: $174,853.78

• District #2 Highway Cash: $177,853.81

• District #3 Highway Cash: $174,853.81

• Sheriff’s Service Fee: $6,178.37

• Mortgage Tax: $105

• County Clerk’s Lien Fee: $2,281.25

• County Clerk’s Preservation Fee: 1,750

• Treasurer’s Resale: $811.05

• Enhanced 911: $23,281.26

• Sheriff’s Courthouse Security: $865.83

• Sheriff’s Revolving Fund: $1,010

• Assessor’s Fee: $293

• Court Clerk Salary: $8,186.24

• CBRI Fund-105: $19,211.58

• Litter Reward Revolving Fund: 105.06

• LEPC: $1,000

The excise board approved moving an amount of $300,000 from M and O to Highway Rentals to pay off leased equipment in District #2, which will save some interest money.

They also acknowledged the new annual salary of $52,000 for county officials adopted by the county commissioners on Wednesday, and they also okayed paying $1,890 each and $5,670 to the three county commissioners for the pay to be retroactive to the first of the fiscal year, July 1, 2016.

The excise board acknowledged the Longevity Pay Plan Resolution, which limits the maximum longevity pay to $2,000 annually for each employee and which also changes everyone's “start” date to the same review date every year.


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