Ranger come up short in the final two minutes against the Savage Storm

DURANT – Northwestern Oklahoma State men’s basketball team was back on the road after their hard fought win at home against the Crimson Storm. The Rangers were looking to fizzle out another opponent as they battled against the Southeastern Oklahoma State Savage Storm on Saturday afternoon.

Northwestern put up two quick baskets to start the game as Brandon Green finished a putback followed by another putback from Austin Klug to get the Rangers off to a 4-0 lead.

Despite the quick start, it was a back-and-forth battle between the Rangers and Savage Storm with six lead changes and three ties throughout the first half. Northwestern was able to close out the first period with a four-point lead over the Savage Storm 32-28 before halftime.

The Rangers got their biggest lead of the game in the first four minutes of the second half as Cody Halvorson hit two big treys to create the 10-point deficit 40-30. Northwestern held that lead for most of the second period, but with 5:54 minutes to go in the game, Southeastern chipped away at that lead to tie the game back at 50-all.

The Savage Storm finally got the lead back in the final two minutes of the game off an open three from Anton Cook to put the score at 55-56. That trey was enough to push Southeastern to a 57-62 win by the final buzzer.


Adrian Motley had a big game for the Rangers finishing with 21 points hitting 10-for-17 from the field to go with his seven rebounds. Other contributors were Halvorson (9 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals), Zachary Dumas (9 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 block, 2 steals), Klug (8 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist), Green (8 points, 7 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 steals), Trey Johnson (2 points, 2 rebounds).

Up next, the Rangers host back-to-back home games at Percefull Fieldhouse, starting with Southwestern Oklahoma State on Jan. 16. Northwestern then hosts Oklahoma Baptist University on Jan. 19 at 7:30 p.m.


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