Republican, independent voters continue to grow in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The latest figures from the State Election Board show the number of registered Republicans and independents in Oklahoma is continuing to grow at the expense of Democrats.

Voter registration statistics released Tuesday show registered Republicans increased to 989,358 and now make up 45.8 percent of the electorate, compared to 44.5 percent last year. The number of registered independents also increased, rising to 316,109 and rose from 13.5 percent of the electorate in 2016 to 14.6 percent this year.

Meanwhile, the number of registered Democrats continued to fall, dropping from 42 percent last year, to 39.4 percent this year with a total of 852,447 voters.

The statistics released on Tuesday show the highest total number of registered voters in Oklahoma since 2009, with about 2.1 million Oklahomans currently registered to vote.


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