
If you ask people “What is your measure of success?” the answer will usually include the word “more.” More money, more property, more recognition and, in the case of some, more time.

Time is a precious thing, but it is something most take for granted. Do we have more time? Time to work, time to accumulate, time to relax? It all depends on your objective.

According to an article by Scott Sonenshein, success is both a cause and a consequence. “When we are focused on getting more, we overlook the value of what’s already in hand.”

Over time, the “more” approach makes us even less satisfied than when we have to “stretch.” We’re all aware of “stretching” the paycheck and the technique of “robbing Peter to pay Paul. When we “stretch” we learn to accomplish our goals with what we already have.

My workshop is an example. While I might be considered a “handy” person, it really amounts to the right tools, the right parts, and the right attitude coupled with a comfortable place to work. Too much stuff robs us of the flexibility to be independent.

With something always coming due, we find ourselves prioritizing not just our resources but our time – time with family, friends and ourselves. Sonenshein says we all have everything we need to succeed – just stretch. Think how comforting it would be to stop worrying about what you don’t have, and focus on what you do.

“It’s not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” – Cheryl Crow


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