Kiowa City Council purchases second generator

At a special meeting Monday morning, Kiowa's City Council approved Mayor Brandon Farney to sign a purchase agreement for a second generator as previously discussed at length. The council also approved having City Administrator Lou Leone sign the lease agreement with the bank.

The generator is purchased from High Plains Energy in Michigan for $250,000, Leone said. “Our first priority is to get the concrete slab poured and set,” Leone said. He said that once the city has the specs, they will put the concrete work out for bid.

Leone said they anticipate the generator to arrive from Michigan in May. The city crew is doing lots of work such as trenching and wiring the conduit, the administrator said.

The entire project is estimated at $600,000, Leone confirmed. That includes the generator, the move, the concrete pad and more, he said.

With the existing and new generator both running during a power outage, the City of Kiowa will have 3.5 megawatts of power. “With this we can cover the entire city, including the hospital,” Leone said excitedly. He added, “I won't quit being nervous about this until we pull the lever.”

All council members attended the 45-minute meeting including R.L. Simpson, Bill Watson, Tom Wells, Brian Hill and Russell Molz.


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