Class on advance health care planning

With the start of the New Year, many people make resolutions.

One resolution might be to get paperwork in order. This could include advance health care planning.

What do you know about advance health care planning in Kansas? This program introduces the process and documents involved in preparing for your future medical care, should you become unable to speak for yourself.

In Kansas, any competent person over the age of 18 has the legal right to voice their wishes regarding their future health care in the event that they could no longer speak for themselves. This program targets adults of all ages, not just older adults.

Less than one quarter of all American adults have advance health care planning documents in place. Without these documents, health care providers and family members are generally unable to provide the care that individuals desire and health care decision making can become complex and riddled with legalities.

In an attempt to better prepare Kansans for their future health care, including that at end-of-life, K-State Research & Extension is providing education on the Kansas statutes for appointing a durable power of attorney for health care and completing a living will, HIPPA privacy authorization form, and a pre-hospital DNR.

For Barber County, this program will be taught on Jan. 10, 2018, at noon at the Sunflower Room of the Peoples Bank in Medicine Lodge. The program will last slightly less than an hour so individuals might attend over a lunch hour.

For more information, please contact Robin Eubank-Callis at the Barber County Extension Office at 620-886-3971 or [email protected].


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