Kansas post office receives suspicious envelope

SALINA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas post office temporarily shut down after receiving a suspicious envelope that authorities later deemed a hoax.

The Salina Journal reports that streets near the Salina Post Office were blocked off most of the day Tuesday before the Riley County bomb disposal squad determined the envelope didn't contain an explosive.

Police Capt. Paul Forrester says an investigation is ongoing into who left the envelope, which contained some wires and was addressed to the police department. The police department announced on its Facebook page that investigators have identified a person of interest and are working toward formal charges.

Delivery Supervisor Corey Pierce says mail carriers were out on their routes before a customer discovered the envelope.

The incident comes after of a series bombs hidden in packages killed two people and injured four others this month in Austin, Texas.


Information from: The Salina (Kan.) Journal, http://www.salina.com


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