Election filing dates for county officials

Two of the Woods County commissioners, John Smiley and David Hamil, said at the Monday county commissioner meeting they plan on running for re-election. Later, an inquiry to County Assessor Renetta Benson and County Treasurer David Manning revealed that they also plan to run for their offices again. The filing period is Wednesday, April 11, through Friday, April 13, at the county election board office in the Professional Building on Fourth Street in Alva.

In all Oklahoma counties, the county assessor, country treasurer and districts 1 and 3 county commissioners are up for election. In Alfalfa County, the seats held by Assessor Donna Prince (who does not plan to run for re-election), Treasurer Valerie Better (who plans on running for her office again), District 1 County Commissioner Jay Hague and District 3 County Commissioner Ray Walker are up for election. (Both Hague and Walker plan to run for re-election.)

In other business at the Monday county commissioner meeting, an overhead electricity road crossing permit for Alfalfa Electric Cooperative was approved near the location of County Road 500 between Beaver Road and Apache Road (D3, 26-23-13, 25-23-13, no fee).

Eleanor Ring appeared before the board and received approval to use the county-owned car ports on the parking lot of the Woods County Courthouse for the annual plant sale by the Alva Petunia Club on May 12.

• Court Clerk Office balance: $289,521.22

• Election Board balance: $3,073.81

• Sheriff’s Office collections: $3,664.44

• Board of Prisoners expense: $7,614.23

The commissioners approved warrants and claims, the monthly reports from the court clerk, the election board and the sheriff's office.

They also approved the monthly appropriations. The meeting took about 15 minutes and may be seen on video at the newspaper website.


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