What I if told you, you read the top line wrong


September 30, 2018

This week's column is a bit different. The government is having all kinds of problems. Expenses are up and prices are down in my business, and I'm scared to ask anyone how they are doing because health issues are running rampant. I would like a break from all this, however, short and I know you can use one too, so nothing serious this week and here are some funnies that I hope meet your approval.

Well, maybe, one serious idea, just throwing this out. In a TV commercial Domino’s Pizza is shown repairing roads that their pizzas get damaged on. The city fathers should spend whatever it takes to get a Domino’s franchise in Alva.

Tonight, I'm gonna have possum soup made from Himalayan possum because I found Him-a-layan on the road.

In England they drive on the left side of the road. In rural Oklahoma we drive on what's left.

Two friends meet and one has a new bicycle. "Where did you get the bicycle?" "Darndst thing that," he replies "I was walking here to meet you when a voice called me into the alley. There was a girl there with no clothes on in the alley and she told me to take what I wanted, so I took the bicycle!"

After ten years a wife started to think their child looked kinda strange so she did a DNA test and found the child is not theirs. She told her husband what she found out and the husband replied you don't remember do you? When we were leaving the hospital the baby pooped and you told me to go and change him so I went inside, got a clean one, and left the dirty one there. The wife fainted.

And some quick, quirky funnies:

Dogs can't operate MRI scanners, but catscan.

Big shout out to my fingers. I can always count on them!

Crushing pop cans is soda pressing.

Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.

Electricians have to strip to make ends meet.

Turning vegan would be a big missed-steak.

A cow stumbles into a pot field!! The steaks have never been higher.

And Donald Trump's favorite: Ban pre-shredded cheese. Make America grate again!


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