October Rotary Students of the Month honored

Brooks Matthew Hofen

Brooks is the son of Brian and Lynn Hofen, Marissa Bazile. High school activities include Electric Gold president, One Act, speech and debate, football, art club, desktop publishing, media production, and FCA president. Activities outside of school include, Hopeton Church Worship Team and Hopeton youth group. Brooks is employed by Hofen Farms. He plans to attend Oklahoma Wesleyan University to obtain degree in Pastorial Ministry. The best advice he can give to a freshman is, "Keep God first and work hard." His personal philosophy is "Love like Jesus"

Norah Scarbrough

Norah is the daughter of Dean and Cassandra Scarbrough. High school activities include, National Honor Society president, student council treasurer, varsity track and varsity cross country. Activities outside of school include, Alva Public Library Ambassador, Alva First Baptist Church-VBS and babysitting. Norah was employed by Alva's Market in past and now does yardwork/house cleaning around town. She plans to attend Northwestern Oklahoma State University majoring in Biology, work on her Masters in Nutrition and marry a farmer. The best advice she can give a freshman is, "Get involved and take every opportunity offered. Be active in extra curricular activities." Her personal philosophy is, "James 1:19-20 – Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger."


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