Wind storm blows over old train cars, uproots trees and more in Kiowa

Monday evening when it was still light, the sky darkened and high winds blew in swirling tree branches every direction. Many say it was caused by a front moving in and hit the hot air causing the insane wind.

Just south of Kiowa and before the state line is a row of old railroad cars that sit on an abandoned track to the east of Highway 8. The wind blew them over on their sides. A huge tree appeared to have been uprooted in the yard of residents Bob and Lori Schrock in that area.

South Barber Superintendent Dr. Mylo Miller reported that two school vehicles were parked at the school. A tree branch crashed into them and broke out their back windows.

Tree branches were down all over town. Big flower pots blew over. The surprise storm caused a fair bit of damage but, thankfully, nothing worse.


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