Jeans and Gems to uncover a Murder Mystery

KDH fundraising, entertaining dinner and auction Saturday, Sept. 9, in Kiowa

Wear a glitzy or scary mask – if you dare. You'll be wondering “who dun it?” throughout your grilled steak dinner at the Kiowa District Hospital Friends of the Hospital and Manor Foundation fundraising dinner and auction.

The event is known as Jeans and Gems. This year KDH celebrates the 9th Annual Jeans and Gems on Sept. 9. The doors to Kiowa's Community Building open at 5:30 p.m.

Upon arrival those attending can peruse the silent auction items that include baskets overflowing with gourmet goodies, spa products, etc.; practical items such as tool kits; decadent homemade desserts and much more from creative donors.

Go nearer the stage and you'll see the live auction items, some of which are: Debbie Davis cooking class; handcrafted jewelry by Bailey Ruthardt; homemade ice cream by Toni Pederson; battery operated tractor and trailer by Bret and Jana Mott; barn-wood sign with cattle brands by Mark Schrock and Mike McGinley; arrowhead shadow boxes by Mike McGinley; jewelry piece; almond rocca and peach cuts by Yvonne Harbaugh; Discovery Flight by Brandon Farney; photography session by Becky Clouse.

The dinner begins at 6 p.m. That night patrons can select fire-grilled steak or chicken. Syd Sterling will cater the rest of the meal including salad, cheesy potatoes, green beans and rolls.

And for your sweet tooth – a cupcake dessert table.

The evening features a Murder Mystery Masquerade. A company from Tulsa orchestrates the intrigue with willing audience participants. The audience has fun participating in solving the murder mystery throughout the evening.

With the mystery solved the auctions begin to conclude the evening.

The funds raised at Jeans and Gems this year are for projects at the KDH Manor: renovation for a nursing/medication room and exterior maintenance needs.

Foundation President Judy Schrock said Jeans and Gems is made possible by numerous sponsors who are listed in the KDH advertisement. She expressed thanks to all of them. Tickets to the event are available at the KDH Business Office. Tickets may be purchased by phone calling the business office at 620-825-4131 Ext. 5.


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