Aspiring Alex

Series: Burlington School News | Story 22

Alex Harmon is a senior at Burlington. He has two older brothers and his parents are Dustin and Vicki Harmon.

Alex's favorite subject in school is science. He is involved in robotics, FFA, FCA, and the Skordle team. He enjoys hanging out with friends or playing his guitar in his free time. He feels his greatest accomplishment so far in school has been getting third place in the regional robotics competition. His favorite book is the Bible, and his favorite thing about Burlington is the community.

Alex's favorite quote is, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts," by Winston Churchill. Alex's advice to younger classmen is "don't let your mistakes define you." His plan after he graduates is to attend OU to get his engineering degree. Alex wants to be remembered for making people laugh, and his dream job is to be an engineer.


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