Woods County Commissioners accept donation, declare wrecked pickup as surplus

The Woods County Commissioners made short work of their agenda Monday, accepting a donation, signing off on a grant project and junking a wrecked vehicle. Chairman Randy McMurphy opened the meeting with Commissioners John Smiley and David Hamil present. County Clerk Shelley Reed also attended.

The commissioners voted to approve a resolution accepting a donation of $1,000 from the Public Service Company of Oklahoma for the purpose of up-fitting the new Sheriff’s Department trucks. McMurphy said the plan is to purchase floor mats for the three new pickups.

The Call-Taking Agreement, a regular maintenance agreement, between E911 and Stolz in the amount of $10,028 was approved.

Rural Water District #3 has completed their grant project so the commissioners signed off on an OEDA REAP affidavit of completion.

The commissioners voted to declare as surplus and junk a 2019 Ford pickup, skid unit, Keller fire bed, electrical package and Tough Country bumper. This is a rural fire department vehicle that was wrecked and totaled.

The commissioners approved minutes of the last meeting and blanket purchase orders.

Under new business, Smiley reported on helping at a hay bale fire on the south edge of Woods County Sunday night. The fire was quickly contained despite the wind, but bales continued to smolder. A hole was dug and the bales were buried to prevent spread of the fire.


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