Grow and Share OHCE regular monthly meeting for May

Grow and Share OHCE held its regular monthly meeting May 14 at Chopsticks. The group enjoyed a Dutch treat dinner in honor of OHCE Week. Jean Moore served as hostess. President Janet Cunningham called the meeting to order. Members answered roll call to: What is your best trick to repel ticks? Eight members were present. One guest, Shannon McDaniel, was present. The secretary-treasurer, Jean Moore, read the minutes for the April meeting with Carol Erikson moving that the minutes be approved as read. Motion passed. Moore also gave the treasurer's report.

Moore passed around a thank you from the NWOSU Foundation for a scholarship donation made by Grow and Share.

Under unfinished business, Janet Cunningham thanked members who had brought donations of items to be distributed to Blessing Boxes and the Food Pantry. This project was also to commemorate OHCE Week. Members then discussed the Woods County Fair with items finalized.

There was no new business.

Members were reminded that the June lesson topic is open. The OHCE State Meeting will be July 7-9 with registration due by June 20. Alfalfa will host two workshops: July 11, 4-8 p.m. on canning pickles and Aug. 20, 1-4 p.m. on sourdough breads.

Jean Moore presented the lesson on Alpha-Gal Syndrome. The syndrome is an allergic condition brought on by a tick bite. The affected person is then allergic to mammalian meat that contains alpha-gal. Symptoms can be mild to severe. Jean also gave a mini-lesson on "The Beauty of a Woman."

Secret pal gifts were exchanged.

The meeting adjourned to the June regular meeting with date, time and place to be determined. JoDe Bradt will host.


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