Articles written by arlene superville

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Biden rolls out diverse first slate of judicial nominees

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Tuesday nominated a racially diverse and overwhelmingly female group to federal and other judgeships, including three Black women for the U.S. courts of appeals, one pathway to the Supreme Court. Biden p...


FEMA to help manage unaccompanied minors at US-Mexico border

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The Biden administration is turning to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for help managing and caring for record numbers of unaccompanied immigrant children who are streaming into the United States by illegally c...


Biden dog Major in doghouse after injuring security agent

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has Major trouble. Family dogs Major and Champ have been banished from the White House for a doggie time out in Delaware after Major caused a "minor injury" to a Secret Service agent. White House press s...


Biden surveys Texas weather damage, thanks emergency workers

HOUSTON (AP) — President Joe Biden heard firsthand from Texans clobbered by this month's brutal winter weather on Friday as he and his wife made their first trip to a major disaster area since he took office. Biden was briefed by emergency o...


Tanden facing new hurdles after Senate panels delay meetings

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is standing by President Joe Biden's choice of Neera Tanden to lead the White House budget office, even as she faced new hurdles Wednesday after two Senate committees postponed consideration of her nomination. W...


Biden declares major disaster in Texas as federal aid flows

WASHINGTON (AP) — Add Mother Nature to the pile of crises on President Joe Biden's plate. A month into the job and focused on the coronavirus, Biden is seeing his disaster management skills tested after winter storms plunged Texas, Oklahoma and n...


Fauci sees vaccination for kids by late spring or the summer

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government's top infectious disease expert said Friday he hopes to see some kids starting to get vaccinated for COVID-19 in the next few months. It's a needed step to securing widespread immunity to the virus. Vaccines are n...


GOP senators urge Trump to resign; impeachment gains support

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Republican senators now say Donald Trump should resign and a third says the president should be “very careful” in his remaining days in office as the House prepares to impeach Trump in the wake of deadly riots at the Capit...


Trump raises China concerns as reason to veto defense bill

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump offered a new rationale Sunday for threatening to veto the annual defense policy bill that covers the military's budget for equipment and pay raises for service members: China. He did not specify his c...


White House threatens FDA chief's job over vaccine approval

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House chief of staff Mark Meadows on Friday pressed Food and Drug Administration chief Stephen Hahn to grant an emergency use authorization for Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine by the end of the day or face possible firing, two a...


White House Rose Garden adds Japanese American's sculpture

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House Rose Garden has a new addition, but it isn't a floral variety. Melania Trump announced Friday that artwork by Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguchi has been installed on the east terrace of the famous garden, w...


White House Halloween event Sunday tweaked for coronavirus

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ghosts, goblins and other costumed kids are welcome to trick or treat at the White House on Sunday during a Halloween event that has been rejiggered to include coronavirus precautions. The gates to the South Lawn will be opened t...


Melania Trump nixes campaign trip due to cough from COVID

WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump's return to the campaign trail will have to wait. The first lady has decided against accompanying President Donald Trump to a campaign rally Tuesday in Erie, Pennsylvania, because of a lingering cough after her bout wi...


Trump on defense, courting voters in two must-win states

MACON, Ga. (AP) — Backed into a corner and facing financial strains, President Donald Trump went after his opponent's family and defended his own struggle to contain the pandemic as he fought to energize his sagging reelection bid in the nation's S...


First lady unseen as Trump restarts campaign after COVID-19

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and his wife received their positive COVID-19 tests on the same day. He's already returned to campaigning, but there's been no public sighting yet of the first lady. Melania Trump last provided a health u...


First lady unseen as Trump restarts campaign after COVID-19

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and his wife received their positive COVID-19 tests on the same day. He's already returned to campaigning, but there's been no public sighting yet of the first lady. Melania Trump last provided a health u...


White House pushes narrow virus aid; Pelosi blasts GOP delay

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday assailed Republican "disarray" over a new pandemic relief package as the White House suggested a narrower effort might be necessary, at least for now. The California Democrat panned the Trump a...


White House-backed campaign pushes alternate career paths

WASHINGTON (AP) — Presidential adviser Ivanka Trump on Tuesday unveiled a White House-backed national ad campaign highlighting alternative ways to start a career, an initiative targeting students, mid-career workers and the millions who are now u...


Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Rushmore

MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) — At the foot of Mount Rushmore on the eve of Independence Day, President Donald Trump made a direct appeal to disaffected white voters four months before Election Day, accusing protesters who have p...


Trump wants federal hiring to focus on skills over degrees

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is preparing to direct the federal government to overhaul its hiring to prioritize a job applicant's skills over a college degree, administration and industry officials say. Trump is set to sign an e...


Coronavirus task force briefs - but not at White House

WASHINGTON (AP) — There was no presidential appearance and no White House backdrop Friday when the government's coronavirus task force briefed the public for the first since April — in keeping with an administration effort to show it's paying att...


Trump signs 'strong' executive order to protect monuments

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday to protect monuments, memorials and statues facing new scrutiny amid fresh debate over the nation's racist beginnings. Trump had promised to take action earlier this week a...


As US seethes over race, Trump calls out 'evil of slavery'

WEST POINT. N.Y. (AP) — As the nation continues to grapple with its racial past, President Donald Trump urged West Point's graduating class Saturday to "never forget" the legacy of soldiers before them who fought a bloody war to "extinguish the e... Full story


Trump moved Tulsa rally date after learning about Juneteenth

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — President Donald Trump didn't know the significance to black Americans of the date and location he chose for his first campaign rally since the coronavirus pandemic more than three months ago, key Republican supporters of t...


Trump considering hosting G-7 summit in US after all

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he's considering holding a meeting in the U.S. with the leaders of the world's major economies after all because it would be a "great sign to all" of things returning to normal during t...


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