Articles written by darlene superville

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  • Trump considering hosting G-7 summit in US after all


    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he's considering holding a meeting in the U.S. with the leaders of the world's major economies after all because it would be a "great sign to all" of things returning to normal during the coronavirus pandemic. The announcement was the latest effort by Trump to signal to the nation that the U.S. economy is humming again after months-long shutdowns meant to slow the spread of COVID-19 are beginning to be lifted across the country. Trump had scheduled the Group of Seven summit for J...

  • Aides scramble to defend Trump's use of unproven drug

    Zeke Miller Marilynn Marchione Darlene Superville|May 20, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Making himself an example for using a malaria drug against the coronavirus, President Donald Trump sent the White House scrambling Tuesday to defend his decision amid medical concerns the unproven treatment could spark misuse of a medication with potentially fatal side effects. Trump's announcement a day earlier that he was taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, caught many in his administration by surprise and set off an urgent effort by officials to justify his action. The president's own government has warned that the drug s...

  • Ivanka Trump tours launch of USDA's family food box program

    Darlene Superville|May 15, 2020

    LAUREL, Md. (AP) — Billions of dollars worth of fruit, vegetables and other farm products that might have gone to waste because of the coronavirus pandemic will instead be delivered to food banks and nonprofit organizations that help the needy under a new Agriculture Department program. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and White House adviser Ivanka Trump on Friday toured a Maryland food service distributor that's participating in the Farmers to Families Food Box Program. At a brief ceremony marking the program's launch at Coastal Sunbelt P...

  • VP Pence's press secretary tests positive for coronavirus


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary has the coronavirus, the White House said Friday, making her the second person who works at the White House complex known to test positive for the virus this week. President Donald Trump, who publicly identified the affected Pence aide, said he was "not worried" about the virus spreading in the White House. Nonetheless, officials said they were stepping up safety protocols for the complex. Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller, who tested positive Friday, had been in recent contact with P...

  • At Lincoln Memorial, Trump to take public's pandemic queries

    Darlene Superville|May 3, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Anxious for an economic recovery, President Donald Trump prepared to field Americans' questions about decisions by some states to allow nonessential businesses to reopen while other states are on virtual lockdown due to the coronavirus. After more than a month of being cooped up at the White House, Trump returned from a weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland and planned to participate in a "virtual" town hall, hosted Sunday night by Fox News Channel, from inside the Lincoln Memorial. "Hopefully our C...

  • Grim count: US virus toll passes Trump's 60,000 marker

    Darlene Superville|Apr 29, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump likes to talk about the most, the best, the thing that nobody has ever seen. Now he is trying to make a virtue of a lower number, arguing that the efforts of his administration have warded off a far greater death toll than otherwise would have been seen. But the reported U.S. death toll on Wednesday crept past 60,000, a figure that Trump in recent weeks had suggested might be the total death count. He had cited the estimate as a sign of relative success after the White House previously warned the U.S. c...

  • Trump: Postal Service must charge Amazon more, or no loan


    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he won't approve a $10 billion loan for the U.S. Postal Service unless the agency raises charges for Amazon and other big shippers to four to five times current rates. "The Postal Service is a joke because they're handing out packages for Amazon and other internet companies and every time they bring a package, they lose money on it," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. The president was responding to a question about reports his administration plans to force major changes in p...

  • Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Tensions between Washington and Tehran flared anew Wednesday as Iran's Revolutionary Guard conducted a space launch that could advance the country's long-range missile program and President Donald Trump threatened to "shoot down and destroy" any Iranian gunboats that harass Navy ships. The launch was a first for the Guard, revealing what experts described as a secret military space program that could accelerate Iran's ballistic missile development, which is a major source of U.S. and international criticism. American o...

  • Trump hoping to see US economy reopened by Easter amid virus

    Zeke Miller and Darlene Superville|Mar 25, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — With lives and the economy hanging in the balance, President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is hoping the United States will be reopened by Easter as he weighs how to relax nationwide social-distancing guidelines to put some workers back on the job during the coronavirus outbreak. As many public health officials call for stricter — not looser — restrictions on public interactions, Trump said he was already looking toward easing the advisories that have sidelined workers, shuttered schools and led to a widespread economic slowd...

  • Venezuela on agenda for Trump's meeting with Brazil's leader


    PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump would not commit Saturday to continue holding off on hitting Brazil with tariffs on imports of its aluminum and steel, saying "I don't make any promises." Trump commented in the presence of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who Trump was hosting for dinner at his resort home in southern Florida. In a tweet in December, Trump accused Bolsonaro's government of hurting American farmers by manipulating its currency. He pledged to slap tariffs on Brazilian aluminum and steel, but withdrew the t...

  • Trump surveys tornado damage, marvels at 'tremendous heart'

    Darlene Superville|Mar 6, 2020

    COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — President Donald Trump on Friday toured a neighborhood reduced to rubble by a tornado earlier this week and marveled at "the tremendous heart" he witnessed. He also offered a message for survivors and those who lost family members: "We love them, they're special people," he said. Trump assumed the role of national consoler as he traveled to Tennessee. Trump surveyed devastated communities in Putnam County, where a tornado tore a 2-mile-long path, killing 18 people, including five children under 13. Many more people were...

  • US ups travel restrictions as Trump says more cases 'likely'

    Darlene Superville and Zeke Miller|Mar 1, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is banning travel to Iran in response to the outbreak of the new coronavirus and elevating travel warnings to regions of Italy and South Korea. Vice President Mike Pence announced the new restrictions and warnings as President Donald Trump said 22 people in the U.S. have been stricken by the new coronavirus, of whom one has died and four are deemed "very ill," and that additional cases are "likely." Trump added that he was considering additional restrictions, including closing the U.S. border with Mexico in r...

  • States to get virus testing kits as White House urges calm


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials said Friday they're scrambling to get coronavirus testing up and running in every state, as President Donald Trump's chief economic adviser urged Americans not to overreact to plunging financial markets. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said two more Americans tested positive for the virus out of the group of quarantined passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, bringing the national total to 62. And the World Health Organization upgraded the risk level from the virus to "very h...

  • Guests to help Trump highlight State of the Union themes

    Darlene Superville|Feb 5, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A mother who lost her Army husband to a roadside bomb in Iraq. A man whose brother was killed by someone the White House contends should have been deported rather than released from jail. A 2-year-old girl born at 21 weeks. The three individuals are some of the "real people" who will help President Donald Trump highlight key messages in the State of the Union address he delivers Tuesday night. Invited by the White House, the guests will sit in the House chamber, high up in the gallery. One or two of them will be given the h...

  • Trump heading to Switzerland as impeachment trial reconvenes

    Darlene Superville|Jan 19, 2020

    WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Donald Trump's historic impeachment trial is called to order in the Senate this week, he won't be watching from inside the chamber or on television from the White House. He'll be thousands of miles away at the Davos economic forum in the Swiss Alps, trying to charm global CEOs over dinner. Trump's participation in the annual World Economic Forum will provide a conspicuous split-screen moment in a presidency familiar with them. His two-day visit to Switzerland will test his ability to balance his anger over b...

  • Trump says he'll sign first-step China trade deal on Jan. 15

    Darlene Superville|Jan 1, 2020

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump says he will sign the first phase of a trade deal with China at the White House next month. Trump says Tuesday in a tweet that he'll then travel to Beijing at a later date to open talks on other sticking points in the U.S.-China trade relationship that remain to be worked out. Trump tweeted from his Florida home that, "I will be signing our very large and comprehensive Phase One Trade Deal with China on January 15. The ceremony will take place at the White House." He said high-level Chinese g...

  • Melania Trump silently forges path through impeachment

    Darlene Superville|Dec 25, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton spent the morning of her husband's impeachment visiting Capitol Hill to rally Democrats to his side. Pat Nixon kept assuring reporters her husband wouldn't quit — right up until he did. Eliza Johnson, frail from tuberculosis, kept watch over her husband during his impeachment while sitting in a room across from his White House office. Melania Trump, just the fourth first lady forced to grapple with the threat of her husband's impeachment, is pressing on through the ordeal silently, showing no inclination to spe...

  • Melania Trump silently forges path through impeachment

    Darlene Superville|Dec 25, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton spent the morning of her husband's impeachment visiting Capitol Hill to rally Democrats to his side. Pat Nixon kept assuring reporters her husband wouldn't quit — right up until he did. Eliza Johnson, frail from tuberculosis, kept watch over her husband during his impeachment while sitting in a room across from his White House office. Melania Trump, just the fourth first lady forced to grapple with the threat of her husband's impeachment, is pressing on through the ordeal silently, showing no inclination to spe...

  • Melania Trump receives official White House Christmas tree

    Darlene Superville|Nov 24, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump opened the holiday season in the nation's capital Monday by accepting delivery of the official White House Christmas tree. Members of the U.S. Marine Band played "O Christmas Tree" as a pair of horses named Cash and Ben trotted up the White House driveway pulling a green carriage that carried an 18 ½-foot (5.49 meter) Douglas fir. The towering tree will become the centerpiece of Christmas in the White House Blue Room. The first lady appeared moments later, escorted by a military aide, and smiled, waved and ch...

  • Trump defends Syria move, doesn't want US troops in Mideast

    Darlene Superville|Oct 9, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump lashed out Wednesday over sharp bipartisan criticism of his decision to pull back U.S. troops from northeastern Syria, saying he is focused on the "BIG PICTURE" that does not include American involvement in "stupid endless wars" in the Middle East. "Fighting between various groups that has been going on for hundreds of years. USA should never have been in Middle East," Trump said in a series of morning tweets. "The stupid endless wars, for us, are ending!" Turkey launched its offensive Wednesday, with P...

  • Trump says he'll work with Congress to stop mass shootings

    Darlene Superville|Sep 1, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump expressed a commitment Sunday, hours after the latest deadly mass shooting, to work with a divided Congress to "stop the menace of mass attacks." He said any measures must satisfy the competing goals of protecting public safety and the constitutional right to gun ownership. Trump spoke shortly after the death toll in Saturday's rampage in West Texas rose to seven as authorities worked to understand why a man pulled over for a traffic infraction opened fire on state troopers and fled. He shot more than 2...

  • AP FACT CHECK: Trump's bluster on hurricanes, guns, economy

    Hope Yen Seth Borenstein and Darlene Superville|Sep 1, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing another deadly mass shooting, President Donald Trump is deflecting on gun control. Over the weekend, he pointed to mental illness as a likely culprit behind recent shootings in Odessa, Texas, and elsewhere, even though criminologists routinely point to gun ownership as a far better predictor of public mass shootings than indicators of mental illness. There were no immediate indications Sunday that mental illness contributed to the shootings that killed 7 and injured 22 others in Texas, a state with one of the most l...

  • Economic storm clouds hovering over Trump and global leaders

    Zeke Miller and Darlene Superville|Aug 25, 2019

    BIARRITZ, France (AP) — Under the threatening clouds of a global economic slowdown, President Donald Trump is confronting the consequences of his preference to go it alone, with low expectations that the leaders of the richest democracies can make substantive progress on an array of issues at their summit in France. The meeting of the Group of Seven nations — Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the U.S. — in the beach resort town of Biarritz comes at one of the most unpredictable moments in Trump's presidency, when his publi...

  • Trump: Any Jew voting Democratic is uninformed or disloyal


    WASHINGTON (AP) — Showing a fresh willingness to play politics along religious and racial lines, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that American Jewish people who vote for Democrats show "either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." Trump's claim triggered a quick uproar from critics who said the president was trading in anti-Semitic stereotypes. It came amid his ongoing feud with Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, both Muslim. Trump has closely aligned himself with Israel, including i...

  • Trump says new agreement with EU will boost beef exports

    Darlene Superville and Kevin Freking|Aug 4, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump celebrated a new agreement Friday that is projected to increase beef exports to the European Union by more than $270 million a year once it is fully in place. Trump portrayed the agreement as standing up for farmers and ranchers. Producers have been hurt by retaliatory tariffs that China imposed after Trump imposed 25% tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese products. The signing of the agreement comes the day after Trump increased pressure on China to reach a trade deal by saying he will impose 10% t...

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