Articles from the May 24, 2018 edition

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FDA warns teething medicines unsafe, wants them off shelves

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials warned parents Wednesday about the dangers of teething remedies that contain a popular numbing ingredient and asked manufacturers to stop selling their products intended for babies and toddlers. The Food and...


E-cigarettes disappoint in a workplace quit-smoking study

It's a big question for smokers and policymakers alike: Do electronic cigarettes help people quit? In a large study of company wellness programs, e-cigarettes worked no better than traditional stop-smoking tools, and the only thing that really...


US employee in China reported strange sounds, pressure

BEIJING (AP) — A U.S. government employee in southern China reported abnormal sensations of sound and pressure, the State Department said Wednesday, recalling similar experiences among American diplomats in Cuba who later fell ill. Secretary of S...


With death rate up, US life expectancy is likely down again

NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. death rate rose last year, and 2017 likely will mark the third straight year of decline in American life expectancy, according to preliminary data. Death rates rose for Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, flu and pneumonia, and t...


Yulia Skripal says recovery from poisoning 'slow, painful'

LONDON (AP) — Yulia Skripal, who was poisoned with her ex-spy father in a nerve agent attack, said Wednesday her recovery has been "slow and painful," and that she hopes to return to her home in Russia someday. In her first appearance on camera s...


US health chief pledges more action if Ebola spreads

GENEVA (AP) — President Donald Trump's top health official said Wednesday that the U.S. and global partners will "take the steps necessary" to try to contain a new Ebola outbreak, asserting that the fight against infectious diseases is one of the a...


California man to face trial for helping wife kill self

SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California man is facing trial for manslaughter after he told authorities he helped his ailing wife hang herself because she lost her longtime prescription to painkillers and didn't want to endure withdrawal s...


Estimated 7,000 bodies may be buried at former asylum

STARKVILLE, Miss. (AP) — Some of the boxes stacked inside anthropologist Molly Zuckerman's laboratory contain full bones — a skull, a jaw, or a leg. Others contain only plastic bags of bone fragments that Zuckerman describes as "grit." These hum...


Artistic efforts help families deal with their grief

GILLETTE, Wyo. (AP) — Kalli and Camie Bowman lost their grandmother just hours after they painted their heart-shaped worry stones. Their mother, Jennifer, took them down to Hands on Pottery to take their minds off things. A hospice center isn't t...


FBI may have disrupted major cyberattack on Ukraine

LONDON (AP) — The FBI has put a spoke in the wheel of a major Russian hacking operation potentially aimed at causing havoc in Ukraine, evidence pieced together from researchers, Ukrainian officials and U.S. court documents indicates. On Wednesday, n...


Twitter to add special labels to political candidates in US

NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter says it's adding special labels to tweets from some U.S. political candidates ahead of this year's midterm elections. Twitter says the move is to provide users with "authentic information" and prevent spoofed and fake a...


FBI overstated encryption problem with cell phones

WASHINGTON (AP) — A programming error led the FBI to vastly overstate the number of cell phones that investigators could not access because of encryption, officials said Wednesday. Director Chris Wray has repeatedly said in speeches that nearly 7...


Digital Life: Cutting back on a constant smartphone habit

NEW YORK (AP) — Why are we checking Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, then Facebook again when we just wanted to check the weather? Turns out, smartphone addiction is by design. Think of the constant stream of notifications, color schemes in apps and a...


Experts: 'Alarming' drought conditions hit US Southwest

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Rivers and watering holes are drying up, popular mountain recreation spots are closing and water restrictions are in full swing as a persistent drought intensifies its grip on pockets of the American Southwest. C...


Amid debate, Wyoming approves Yellowstone-area grizzly hunt

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A debate over whether the Yellowstone ecosystem's grizzly bear population can thrive while being hunted will be put to the test this fall after Wyoming officials on Wednesday approved the state's first grizzly hunt in 44 y...


Archaeologists discover Greco-Roman era building in Egypt

CAIRO (AP) — Egyptian archaeologists say they have discovered parts of a huge red brick building dating back to the Greco-Roman period north of Cairo. The Antiquities Ministry says Wednesday the building was found in the Sa El-Hagar archaeological s...


The Standard Model of particle physics: The absolutely amazing theory of almost everything

(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE CONVERSATION) The Standard Model. What dull name for the most accurate scientific theory known to human beings. More than a...


Man serving 660 years for money laundering wants gold back

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A Rhode Island man serving a 660-year prison sentence for laundering money for a Colombian drug cartel wants the federal government to give back millions of dollar's worth of gold bars, jewelry and cash it had seized during h...


Truck dumps 40,000 pounds of chicken feathers on highway

FEDERAL WAY, Wash. (AP) — A tractor-trailer made a fowl mess when it rolled over in Washington state. It dumped about 40,000 pounds (18,145 kilograms) of chicken feathers across Interstate 5. Washington State Patrol Trooper Rick Johnson says the d...


Foam rubber gold bars fool man who burglarized Michigan shop

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — Fake promotional gold bars apparently appeared so much like the real thing that someone broke into a western Michigan flooring shop to take them. WXMI-TV reports Old to Gold Hardwood Floors owner Rowdy Lapham arrived at w...


Legend of Loch Ness Monster will be tested with DNA samples

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The stories seem as tall as the lake is deep. For hundreds of years, visitors to Scotland's Loch Ness have described seeing a monster that some believe lurks in the depths. But now the legend of "Nessie" may have no p...


Seething over Russia probe, Trump tears into 'spygate'

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has branded his latest attempt to discredit the special counsel's Russia investigation as "spygate," part of a newly invigorated strategy embraced by his Republican colleagues to raise suspicions about the p...


Pompeo: Fate of US-NKorea summit rests with Kim Jong Un

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday he's "very hopeful" that a planned U.S.-North Korean summit will proceed but laid the fate of the historic meeting squarely with Kim Jong Un, who won't be reassured by U.S. demands f...


Trump launches probe into auto imports, possible tariffs

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration on Wednesday launched an investigation into whether tariffs are needed on the imports of automobiles into the United States, moving swiftly as talks over the North American Free Trade Agreement have s...

 By PAUL NEWBERRY    Sports    May 24, 2018

Stand or stay out of sight: NFL takes on anthem protesters

ATLANTA (AP) — Stand or stay out of sight. Looking to quell a national debate that was sparked by Colin Kaepernick, stoked by President Trump and some say chipped away at the very popularity of America's game, NFL owners approved a new policy W...


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