Articles from the May 24, 2018 edition

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Judge: President can't block critics on Twitter

NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge ruled Wednesday that President Donald Trump is violating the First Amendment when he blocks critics on Twitter because of their political views. U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in Manhattan stopped short in h...


APNewsBreak: Prosecutor interviewing Schneiderman accusers

NEW YORK (AP) — The special prosecutor investigating former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has started conducting interviews with the women whose allegations of violent slapping, choking and other abuse led to his resignation this m...

 By EDDIE PELLS    Sports    May 24, 2018

Lawmakers: Funding, urgency lacking in Olympic abuse crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) — The tears and anger this time came from lawmakers who spent the day fuming over a growing sex-abuse problem in Olympic sports that leaders have taken too much time to solve while devoting too little money for the fixes. "I just h...


Philip Roth: a generation's defining voice

NEW YORK (AP) — In the self-imposed retirement of his final years, Philip Roth remained curious and removed from the world he had shocked and had shocked him in return. He praised younger authors such as Ta-Nehisi Coates and Teju Cole, and confided t...


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