Woods County Excise Board approves remaining county budgets


October 6, 2017

The Woods County Excise Board conducted a special meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5, at the Woods County Courthouse to approve budgets that were late in being turned in.

They also approved the county assessor's plan to use a consultant to evaluate oil and gas property holdings in the county. Each of the county beneficiaries of the costs of the consultants will share in paying their fees.

The Alva schools will pay $74,029.61, the Waynoka schools will pay $24,052.94 and the Freedom Schools will pay $8,652.38. The vo-tech will pay $30,901.25. Joint School Districts include Major County with a fee of $2405.29, and Alfalfa County with a cost of $150.33.

The Woods County General fund will pay $23,752.29, and the County Health Department will pay $3,090.13

The excise board approved several budgets: Woods County came in at $13,101,770.29 (which is about $200,000 more than last year); Dacoma City's appropriation was $401,026.95; Freedom School came in at $2,333,168.7 in the general fund, $318,657.27 in the building fund, and $42,934.74 in the child nutrition fund.

Waynoka School's appropriation was $8,378,918.88 for the general fund, $1,292,261.73 for the building fund and $100,977.02 for the child nutrition fund.

Alva School District's appropriation for the general fund was $17,938,374.97, building fund of $2,203,673.26, child nutrition fund of $547,048.90 and sinking fund of $298,681.88.

The only other item on the agenda was an acknowledgment of the transfer from District 3 Highway Maintenance and Operations to Highway Capital Outline in the amount of $80,000 for road graders being traded in and purchased.


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