Santa's reindeer are female

Cleo and I drove to Hopeton for cookies and punch at the Hopeton State Bank last week. I was hoping for a ham sandwich, but the cookies were very good so it was okay. We got a neat pair of scissors and gloves as gifts. Thanks all.

When we got back, Dad and I stopped by the Runnymede to wish Carol Powers and Carl Parsons the best on their retirement. There were so many people attending I thought they were all there to be sure these two were really quitting. Then I remembered that these two have made a gazillion friends over the years. Their smiles and knowledge will be missed at the co-op, but Victor Powers and Karol Parsons have gained full time bosses! Best wishes to both my friends.

It's Christmas Eve today. Jaylyn and I will make our annual trek to give away kisses and candy canes if she doesn't have to go to the other family too early. I hope your family and friends are going to be around for food, fellowship and a celebration of the Lord's birth during the holiday season.

I bet you didn't know that all of Santa's reindeer are females? The reason we know that is only 12 females could drag a fat man in a sleigh filled with presents around the world in one night without getting lost!

Did you know that the chopping down of the Christmas tree represents the death of Christ and putting it back up again represents the resurrection of Christ?

Did you know that the wreaths we hang are never-ending circles that represent eternity? Candy canes were made to look like shepherd hooks and the colors red and white represent Jesus' blood and purity. The gifts represent the three gifts the wise men brought for Jesus. So when you are running around trying to get the “perfect gift,” stop yourself, take a deep breath and remember we have been given the perfect gift. Jesus Christ was given to us to remove all of our sins.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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