Enid author Peggy Chambers in Alva Friday


December 1, 2019

Peggy Chambers

Oklahoma author Peggy Chambers will be at the Graceful Arts Gallery in Alva on Friday, Dec. 6, during the First Friday Art Walk. Chambers will be signing and selling her books during the evening from 6 to 8 p.m.

Chambers lives in her hometown of Enid with her husband. She is an award winning multi-genre author who loves fantasy, suspense and children's books. She often features Oklahoma locales in her books.

"Blooming Justice (Keystone Lake Series)" was released earlier this year. The book tells the story of Erin Sampson who always wanted to be an attorney like her aunt. But until she experiences a real taste of injustice, she has no idea what the legal field is all about. After being sexually harassed at the senior prom by a boy she went to school with, she finds out he has escalated from bullying to rape.

Working in her aunt's law firm while going to college, she has an opportunity to help find justice for all the women who deserve it. It is a long way from her mother's flower shop to a law office; and a long way from the little town by the lake she grew up in to the Tulsa County Courthouse. But Erin will do whatever it takes to end the terror and protect the women on her campus.

Also released this year was "Witches' Cliff (Deerbourne Inn Series)". In this fantasy, Penny Winters flees to her birthplace in Vermont to consider the marriage proposal she left behind in Salem. Complicating her already difficult decision, she is smitten when she encounters handyman Liam on the porch of the quaint Deerbourne Inn.

A modern-day wiccan, Penny intends to contact her distant great-grandmother, who died on the cliffs when Willow Springs held witch trials. Penny needs advice, and the best time to connect to her ancestors is on Halloween. But she is not the only witch in Willow Springs, and they both have their eye on the same man. And who is the old woman who keeps appearing, telling her to go home?

Penny comes to the cliff to seek Grandma's advice. But Halloween is an important holiday for a witch, and she is not alone on the cliffs that night. Penny will have to battle not only for Liam's attention, but for her life.

"Blooming Justice" is the first book in the Keystone Lake series by Peggy Chambers of Enid.

Chambers has been writing for several years and is always working on another. She says there aren't enough hours in the day. In addition to writing, she adores travel, yoga and curling up with a good book in front of a roaring fire. She loves the great outdoors, even if it is just taking the dog for a walk and once ate wart hog pizza for lunch when she followed her husband across deepest, darkest Africa. She even climbed the pyramids at Chichen Itza.

She attended Phillips University, the University of Central Oklahoma and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. She is a member of the Enid Writers' Club, and Oklahoma Writers' Federation, Inc. You can find her at http://peggylchambers.com/ where you'll find a link to her weekly blog.

All her books will be available for purchase at Graceful Arts Gallery where you can visit with artists and enjoy refreshments Friday evening.


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