Cherokee teacher to receive Oklahoma Medal for Excellence Award


"The Oklahoma Medal for Excellence is one of our state's most prestigious educator awards and recognizes public school educators for their passion and innovation, their commitment to professional development, and their extraordinary impact on student learning," said Elizabeth Inbody, executive director of the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence, a nonprofit that recognizes and encourages academic excellence in Oklahoma's public schools. "By honoring these exceptional educators, we are sending a message that we value excellence in public schools and the professionals who have given so much of themselves to enrich the lives of our children."

Jason Paris, has been chosen as recipient of the Medal for Excellence in Secondary Teaching. He teaches fine arts at Cherokee Middle and High School, a rural northern Oklahoma school serving just over 200 students. A successful playwright with a graduate degree from New York University's Directing Educational Theater program, the Oklahoma native has found his true calling as an arts teacher and mentor to students in Cherokee.

"I discovered an incredible sense of purpose in building a speech, debate and theater program where one no longer existed," he said, noting that the program grew from an enrollment of three students when he started to 53 today. Paris also expanded his instruction to include film and media production, studio art and vocal music. In any given hour, one can find his students editing a film for a local business, learning music for a community service project, creating visual arts from Paris's online art lessons, or reading speech and debate materials.

"Students learn so much more than just techniques from him," said colleague Michelle Baldwin. "He helps students see how important art is and what place it has in their lives. More importantly, students learn how to see themselves in the world through the art they experience and create."

Paris has an innate ability to see talent and potential in students and draw it out of them, Baldwin added. He has led students to numerous state championships during his tenure and provided unique opportunities for them to showcase their talents in the community and beyond. Last year, Paris raised funds to take current and former students to Red River, N.M., to perform their show "The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong."

In a time when young people face increasing rates of depression and apathy, Paris has found that his most critical role right now is to be a caring adult in his students' lives. "They need guides who show them that, for all the challenges, all the hardships, all the really bad days, life remains full of joy, beauty, wonder and magic.

"Being an effective educator means that everything I do should provide young people with appreciation for all that is good in the world and as many tools as I can provide them to save it," Paris said. "The best way I know how to achieve that, frankly, is to turn them into artists."

In addition to presenting the Medal for Excellence awards, the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence will honor 100 of Oklahoma's top public high school seniors as Academic All-Staters at its May 20 banquet. The Academic Awards Banquet is open to the public. Registration will open online April 3 at


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