You all come, hear?

Tuesday, Aug. 8, from 4 to 7 p.m. is the meet and greet for local schools. All are included but the high school. This is really pretty important to do because you get to size up the teachers and also show them you have an interest in your kids' futures. Also, thank you to the Goldbug Coalition for furnishing back-to-school supplies. You are a big part of what makes living in Alva special.

I hate being old and senile. I have had trouble with my balance and depth perception for a while, and this bad eye doesn't help. The other day I finally did a major crash and burn. I went to a house with a concrete step, and when I went to step up, I missed and fell forward and hit the side of the house with my head. I was so dazed I couldn't even use the appropriate "Jim" words to describe to the world what had happened.

I finally got some of my senses back and got up. I called Cleo to tell her, and she sent Grace and Jennifer to check on me. They came armed with a flashlight to shine into my eyes and mentioned several times not to go to sleep. I was pretty sore for a while but can hardly wait for another stupid moment when I don't pay attention. I just hope the guy whose house I think I broke the foundation on doesn't sue me.

The other day I was listening to a talk show. Most of it was the same old six and seven about politics, but one thing did catch my attention. In Chicago every night several people are killed by violence, and who knows how many other crimes happen every day. He said while many older people who can afford to leave the violence are leaving Chicago, young people are moving in in record numbers. When quizzed about why they would move to such a violent city, most said that crime and bad things are just part of life. What is scary to me is the fact that the younger generations have grown so numb to violence, corruption in government, and all the other things that us older folks spoke up about. I hope someday they wake up to the fact that this is not normal life.

The best book written for oranges is Pulp Fiction.

Keep cool, let's all be safe out there, and God bless.


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