When we finished eating

Last Sunday, Dad, brothers Jack and Jeff, and I went to the Smok Shak for dinner. The waitress was cute, the food was okay, and somebody else paid, so I was happy with it all.

When we finished eating, I suggested going to Kiowa to the car show. Jack and I had decided not to take his Falcon to the show, and to hang out with Dad instead.

I think there were around 50 very nice rides there. I got to see my friends the Wenzels, John Krob and his extra-nice '62 Chevy, John Coles and his lovely bride. The Coles had been on a trip up north. He said they had a fun, trouble-free trip and his Dodge got lots of looks. I saw several other people I knew by face, not name.

Prayers to my Uncle Edward's family. He passed away Sept. 2, in his summer home in Minnesota. Edward Scribner was born in 1939 here in Alva. He was my dad's half-brother. Edward graduated from OU, started building houses and never looked back.

His first two houses were built on Murray Drive. Edward had trouble finding help, so he enlisted my dad to work with him. His last building job in Alva was the motel on the intersection of the 281 and 64 highways. He was one of the rare breed that, regardless of circumstances, could figure out how to make a buck. We'll miss his great smile and wit.

Sonny Brock (not to be confused with my friend Vernon, his brother) passed away recently. Back when I used to rebuild vehicles I sold Sonny a Ford four-wheel-drive pickup. It was black and really sharp. About a year later I get a call from a Louisiana state trooper. He said they had a black pickup and were trying to determine ownership. He wanted to know if I could tell him how to tell if it was the one I rebuilt. I told him to pull the door panel, and if the inside of the door was blue, it was the one I had rebuilt. In about 20 minutes, Sonny called me and said he was sure glad I hadn't painted the inside of the door. He never would tell me exactly what was going on.

Praise the Lord, it looks like cooler weather is on the way. Let's all be safe out there and God bless.


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