Freedom of speech is on its way out

The House has passed a law making it illegal to say anti-Semitic things about Jews. They said it needed to be passed because of the college students’ protests. I think it is your right to voice your opinion of another race, as long as it is not overboard. The problem for me is when we start limiting free speech by saying it is not nice to speak bad about someone or something. Where will it end?

As long as the protests are peaceful, they should be allowed. We didn't pass a law saying bad things could not be said when the protestors made derogatory remarks and worse about white Americans. Wake up America! This is just another step in making the book “Animal Farm” a reality in our country. Haven't read “Animal Farm?” Get a copy to see what is happening to us.

I don't agree with what Israel is doing and I don't think they deserve any better treatment than the rest of us. When I am picked on, if the shoe fits I wear it, so Jews, put on your big girl pants and take others’ opinions of you like adults.

Jack and I went to Tulsa for a couple of days of pinball. We had a real good time at Magoo's, and Max's Retro pub. Magoo's had about 20 machines. Some were old friends, and some became friends. We ate there one day.

The food was really good and not overpriced.

They have lots of pool and snooker tables and have tournaments. I tried to play a game of pool with Jeff a while back, but my eyes no longer work well enough to play.

They also had a couple of domino tables, and at one were four old guys that looked like they would have fit in at the domino games we used to have at my house.

We had good waitresses at every meal, but the one at Magoo's caused me a distraction. Her name was Margaret, but she liked to be called Maggie. I spent the rest of the day with the song by Rod Stewart, "Maggie Mae" stuck in my mind.

The other place was Max's Retro Pub. It was in downtown Tulsa. It was a bar but had several video games and pinball machines. Again, there were several different machines we had never played. We left high scores on a couple of machines there.

We did go to a place close to the motel that had three pinball machines. They had "Mousin' Around," a game I hadn't seen in years. It was as much fun as I remembered, and the two others weren't bad either.

Originally, this was to be a trip to Branson, Missouri, to a couple of spots there, but this was lots closer and, I'm sure, less crowded. The only downside to it all is the Tulsa machines cost double what the Wichita, Kansas, machines do, but we still spent less than if we would have gone to a pro sports event.

If you like pinball, there is a site called the Pinball Map that shows where all the machines in the state of Oklahoma are. Really cuts down on the legwork finding them. If you are just out for a ride and want entertainment, drive up south of Sawyer, Kansas, and look at the signage someone has put on his fences. I'll let you form your own opinion of his status on the sanity scale. The freedom of speech I talked about earlier is in full force there.

Bubba said he went to help put up a 73-inch TV his friend bought off the local crackhead. When he turned it on, it was a McDonald’s menu.

Let's all be safe out there and God bless.


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