Woman charged over threatening text messages

A man who said he tries to keep the peace in the Nescatunga community felt compelled to contact the Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Office after receiving some “very gruesome and violent” text messages from a resident.

On May 13, William Baca spoke to Deputy Caleb Roberts at the Sheriff’s Office about a woman named Katharine Stalick. Undersheriff Gary Mast also joined in the conversation. Baca said he has received some very gruesome and violent text messages from Stalick aimed at Anthony Bruno. Bruno is Stalick’s next door neighbor in Nescatunga. She has had issues with Bruno on multiple occasions.

Baca let the deputies read the text messages and agreed to print them out, providing the deputies with a copy. He said he’s tired of the drama, doesn’t want to be roped into the middle of all their issues and felt it necessary to make law enforcement aware of the threatening text messages from Stalick. Baca said he was sitting outside visiting with Bruno a few days ago, and Stalick came flying around the corner in her vehicle and flipped them off as she sped by.

The affidavit in the case lists a few of the text messages from Stalick to Baca: “Yes Rose and tell her those dogs are being killed tonight.” “Next time I see Chauncey’s dog on my property I’ll kick it till it’s a bloody mess. Then I will call the sheriff and tell them to get her *expletives* over to my property to clean it the *expletive* up. Every little speck of massacred nasty dog will be removed from my road by that drunk *expletive*.”

The affidavit states that referring to Bruno, Stalick texted, “*Expletives* If I come within stabbing distance, I’ll gut him and smile while his entrails fall out, it’s a few seconds before Brain realizes body is dead so I’ll happily be making eye contact as the life is drained out.”

Katharine Marie Stalick, 38, of Jet, has been charged with threaten to perform act of violence, a felony. This crime is punishable by imprisonment for a period of not more than ten years.


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