Locals make CROP Hunger Walk, donations still accepted

About 25 adults and children walked a short route, 2.3 miles, around Kiowa, Kansas, during the community's CROP Walk on a sunny October afternoon. On the walk the group went by each of the seven churches in town. They join a group of walkers from around the U.S., designed to end hunger one step at a time.

The CROP Hunger Walk is a nationwide movement sponsored by Church World Service to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world. The prolonged war in Ukraine, and now war in Israel, on top of the pandemic and other disasters is causing a global food crisis. Millions are on the brink of famine.

Giving to CROP Walk provides life-saving support like emergency food. Unique to CROP is their gift of seeds, tools and programs that will help families feed themselves in the future.

A portion of the money raised goes to the South Barber Ministerial Alliance Food Bank to help local folks.

Kiowa's organizers for the CROP Walk are Carra Mayberry and Judy Schrock. They continue to accept donations through this coming Sunday, Oct. 29.

The youth in Kiowa's CROP Walk all received Bombas socks – "one pair purchased, one pair donated." They are: Callen Corr, River and Lakin Inman, Grady Hutson and Ruthie Archuleta.


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