• Alva Parks and Recreation approves revised drainage plan
“In order to do this correctly and no water coming back into our fields, this is what we have to do,” said Alva Parks and Recreation Director Courtney Nesseralla. She was speaking to the Alva Parks and Recreation Board at a special meeting held Wednesday at noon. The only item on the agenda was a revised drainage plan for the synthetic turf project.
Chairman Shane Hansen opened the meeting with members Gregg Glass, Matt Tucker, Gail Swallow and Brandon Sherman present.
Nesseralla said the revised plan will channel water to three different places. At the baseball fields, the water will drain into two ditches, one on the west side and one on the south.
At the softball fields, the east fields will drain to a tinhorn that goes under the walking trail. The other fields will drain to the southeast corner by the gazebo and then out to the street.
The revised plan will include “a lot more drainage pipe and a lot more dirt work,” said Nesseralla. “It will be done correctly. I don’t think we’ll have any issues at all.”
The revised plan has a total price tag of $318,462 with dirt work accounting for $128,000 of that amount.
“I know it looks a little high on paper,” said Nesseralla. “We’ve also got to understand we have deducts coming.” She’s referring to amounts deducted from the original price of the project due to change orders. She estimates with all those deductions, some of which haven’t been finalized, the revised drainage plan will add about $30,000 to the original cost of the project. Nesseralla said the subcontractor is ready for the pipe now.
Board members voted unanimously in favor of the revised drainage plan. If the Alva Economic Development Authority gives their approval in a special meeting Thursday, the pipe can be ordered first thing Friday morning, Nesseralla said.
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