Probably the most startling news from Monday’s Alva City Council meeting is the resignation of two councilmembers. Taylor Dowling told the council this would be his last meeting. He has been working for the Department of Defense and had the opportunity for a promotion. This promotion required him to move to Texas. Dowling was about three years into his term in the Ward 2 Office 1 seat.
Then Daniel Winters announced this would also be his last meeting. He said lots of changes in his life meant he no longer had time to attend meetings and serve the city. He has been on the council for about seven and a half years. His position in Ward 1 Office 1 is also up for election next year.
Mayor Kelly Parker said, “Thank you both for your commitment to our community.” He is now looking for people to appoint to these two positions. He described Ward 1 boundaries as being north of Church Street and east of 8th Street. Ward 2 is North of Church Street and west of 8th Street with some irregular boundaries around the high school. Those appointed will fill out the unexpired terms for the two seats which will end next year.
During the meeting, councilmembers approved an engagement letter for accounting and consulting services with Crawford and Associates, P.C. for the next fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. The agreement is on the same terms as the current year.
A change order for the rehabilitation of runway lights and PAPIs at the Alva Regional Airport was approved. Some materials were not needed so the cost of the project was lowered by $23,376.
It was found that the 2016 Freightliner M2106 bought by the airport would not be suitable for a Jet A fuel truck due to its size. At the recommendation of the airport commission, the council approved liquidating the truck for a price not less than $68,900 and using the proceeds to purchase an appropriately sized Jet A fuel truck.
Resolution 2024-006 to amend the current budget led to unusual action. Winters made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Sadie Bier. The budget changes were to accounts involving tourism tax. When City Business Manager Stephen Ford had difficulty explaining exactly what the changes involved, Mayor Parker recommended tabling the matter.
Someone pointed out there was a motion on the floor that required a vote. Parker said if they wanted to table the resolution, they should vote no. Winters agreed, and the motion failed by a unanimous no vote. The budget amendment will be researched and brought back to a later meeting.
The council also took action on the lease purchase of an ambulance and on a green burial policy for the cemetery. These topics are covered in separate stories.
In the consent agenda, the council approved minutes of the Feb. 20 regular meeting and the March 7 special meeting, claims of $347,269.99, payroll expenses of $228,483.38 and an ASAP Energy invoice of $27,256.15 for aviation fuel.
A brief executive session was held to talk about a purchase of real property and negotiations with the firefighters’ union. No action was taken on these topics on return to regular session.
Ford reported that waterlines have been laid in the 700 and 800 blocks of Locust, and the lines connecting to water meters are being installed. It was hoped that would be finished by the end of the week. He said the street can’t be resurfaced with asphalt until the weather is hotter. The city brings hot asphalt from out of town, and temperatures must be right to keep it from cooling too quickly.
Councilmember Greg Bowman asked how the new water meters are performing, and Ford said they are performing as advertised. He said the meters can show them when there is a leak in the homeowner’s lines.
The Alva Utility Authority (AUA) consisting of council members had a brief meeting. Trustees approved minutes of the last meeting, claims of $257,782.55 and payroll expenses of $57,466.80.
The Alva Economic Development Authority (AEDA) also approved the consent agenda consisting of Feb. 20 minutes, March 7 minutes, claims totaling $442,458.55 and payroll expenses of $21,051.70.
Resolution No. 2024-001 was approved changing the current budget of the AEDA. Pool donations of $1,030,000 came in after the budget year began and should not have been included in this year’s budget. The capital outlay for the pool was also changed to reflect the amount of the actual bid for the pool project.
A video of the meeting may be viewed at by clicking on the Videos tab.
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