I wish the Democrats would hurry up and get control


November 15, 2020

Because of Trump and the Republicans, everyone has made so much money nobody needs to work, creating a help shortage. At least it seems that way if you are looking for help.

Part of this shortage of help comes from government stupidity. I do think helping people out of work because of health issues was an excellent idea. However, paying them $600 a week, when in some cases they were making much less at their jobs, made no sense at all. It did them a disservice because they got used to more money and would have to adjust to less if they went back to work, so most stayed away as long as they could and their job was gone when the time came to go back to work.

The recounts are happening across the country. This is necessary and not an isolated case to see who the winners really are. I will be surprised if they find much voter fraud, but we will see. I just hate to see taxpayer money being spent on this. If the candidates had to pay the costs of recounts, the results might not seem so bad to them. It almost feels like we are in divorce court waiting to see who gets custody of us.

Sometimes the toughest decisions are really silly. Take for instance the miscellaneous utensils drawer in the kitchen. It is so full it won’t open but about halfway, but that’s OK because I only use about six things out of there at the front. The other day I got it pried open to see what was hidden there. Lots of neat stuff, like a whale shaped bottle opener, a bunch of odd shaped spoons supposedly for relish trays or butter and jelly plates, several utensils I have never used and probably never will. I did find another really cool bottle opener I bought at an upscale kitchen store, so I would have something classy in the drawer. In reality it was probably the only thing I could afford. Anyhow I got it all spread out and looked at all of it sorting what to keep and what I'd probably never use. When I got done there was plenty of room in the drawer and it opened easily.

Then before I boxed the other stuff up, I gave it one last look. How could I throw out the whale bottle opener? We might have a party someday and need the spoons. Before it was over, I did throw one thing away that was broken and had no hope. Cleo suggested I let someone show me each utensil and question the last time I had used it and leave it out of the drawer if I didn’t use it once a month. Silly girl!

Bubba sent me a fun fact: Women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men spend actually thinking. Cleo said that was true for her.


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